How does it feel to be part of a high-performance Agile team?

How does it feel to be part of a high-performance Agile team?


How does it feel to be part of a high-performance Agile team?

Did you ever have that feeling when you look around from your desk to the colleagues next to you and you are overwhelmed by gratitude for living that moment in time? I had the privilege to experience that quite a few times and it was because I was part of an amazing team! I want to let you know exactly how it feels:

  1. Sense of purpose

    There is a deep sense of purpose. Usually, an amazing team is working on a higher purpose. Something that serves other people or makes the world a better place. This is very important because it creates the inspiration that everyone needs in order to stay motivated day after day without the need of any external pressure.

  2. Trust

    There is a lot of trust between the team members. I see trust as this feeling of being so safe and secure that you can expose your highest weaknesses, fears or vulnerabilities because you know no one will ever use it against you. Because you have that, it is OK to admit you were wrong, it is OK to make mistakes. You are even protected from the worse versions of yourself. I remember when one colleague told me one day: “Roxana, I know that you try to help, but what you do right now is not helping us”. There is also a certain level of honesty mixed with compassion because at the end of the day you know that the team has your back.

  3. Passion

    There is a lot of passion. Everyone is working on what they love. It is very difficult to feel part of an amazing team when you don’t like what you are working on. When there is a lot of enthusiasm and colleagues next to you dedicated to improve themselves and to evolve every day, the results are amazing. That takes me to the next one.

  4. Achievement

    A great sense of achievement. It comes from seeing the results of what we build together. That is why, it is a deeper form of success, mixed with a togetherness feeling that is very fulfilling.

  5. Joy

    Joy coming from the great collaboration. In amazing teams working together is a true need, members complement each other, bring different perspectives, take care of different areas. It is crystal clear for everyone that progress could not be made alone and therefore there is a joy that someone else can give you exactly the helping hand you need.

I have to tell you that there are some unexpected side effects. Working in such a team got me into a state where I cared deeply about our work, sometimes more than I wanted to. Leaving on vacation gave me the feeling that I was missing out on some things that would happen while I was away. Therefore, it got into visiting the office when I was on vacation because “I forgot my favorite pen on the desk”.  

Also, leaving such a team is hard. It is a real internal conflict even when deciding to leave comes from following your goals and dreams. It is all fully worth it. I hope everyone can experience these feelings in their teams because being part of an amazing team is one of the most wonderful experiences we can get from our professional lives!

Thank you to those beautiful people who allowed me to experience this. You will always have a special place in my heart.


Roxana supports IT Executives to leverage the Agile mindset and the latest management research to achieve Strategic Business Agility. Her fully customized approach includes the right mix of Agile Management Training and Consulting, Executive Coaching, and Mentoring. Read more about the Agile Business Transformation services, focused on Agile ManagementTransformational Leadership, and Startup Profitable Growth at MastersWhoCare: Uncovering better ways to lead and serve.

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